Services for Legal Practices
Excellent writing backed by legal experience
- Quality copywriting with a legal background
- Educate potential clients and sell your services
- Save the valuable time of your fee earners
- Set the right tone for your legal marketing
All businesses can benefit from great copy to promote them – and law firms are no exception. However, the complex nature of legal services means that copy and other written materials often require a unique approach.
ARP Writing is ideally suited to providing thoroughly researched and engaging written work for legal practices.
We have a strong background in law, and have used that knowledge to write extensively for legal businesses looking to inform potential clients and sell the benefits of the work they do.
If your law firm is looking for writing support, why not take advantage of our unique insight? Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can help you.
An understanding of legal services
Legal businesses face a number of unique challenges when trying to sell their services. These challenges include:
- The highly technical nature of legal services
- That many legal services may not be desirable, but are often necessary in trying situations
- The essential part of the service is the expertise of the practitioner(s) carrying it out
- A professional impression is critical
Alongside all of this, a potential client must be willing to place trust in your firm, often before they will even enquire about your services. The copy in your firm’s marketing materials must therefore have these objectives in mind, and must be of superb quality, to create and maintain a good impression.
ARP Writing understands all of these difficulties and can help your business to overcome them effectively.
Some of our previous projects for legal practices
- Working closely with a legal firm to provide a huge number of webpages to showcase and sell their varied services
- Creating several webpages for a large law firm seeking to provide different industry sectors with services across the various fields of law they practise
- Researching and ghostwriting a 24,000-word ebook on personal injury compensation for a legal company
- Writing and editing a legal practice's library of factsheets, used to educate clients and potential clients about the services offered by the firm
Informing your potential clients
Legal services also face a difficult challenge due to their technical nature. People with a legal need or with strong grounds to resolve an issue they’re facing may not even know you could help them.
In many situations, if someone experiences a legal problem, they will not even seek assistance from an expert. Recent research from the Legal Services Board has shown that only 52% of people who experienced a legal issue in the last four years obtained professional help.
Illustrating the problems your business can solve, in clear, well-written and interesting copy, could be the difference between a new client and someone else joining that other ‘48%’.
From legalese to ease of understanding
You may wonder why you would even use a copywriter. After all, being able to write goes with the territory of being a lawyer; it’s a vital skill for anyone in the profession. But connecting with your clients through writing is something else entirely.
The majority of legal content on the web, even that which is aimed at the public, is written in the style of an essay. A law professor may sit through it but a potential client is unlikely to.
Most people have no legal training so technical terms which go unexplained should have no place in your copy. It must speak directly to your audience in understandable terms, must engage their attention, and must inform without lecturing them.
To do this successfully requires a set of skills different from those used when writing legal advice – and this is where we can step in and help.

Our 'Zero-AI' Guarantee
AI tools pull text from all over the web and mushes it together into a bland paste. And you can’t stand out if you’re saying the same thing as everyone else.
ARP Writing never uses AI tools to write or edit content – so you can be sure everything we provide is backed by good, honest human creativity!
Saving your firm time and money
If there is one thing that’s certain in the legal profession, it’s that there are never enough hours in the day.
For lawyers, each hour is one which could be billed, or used to bring a client’s matter that bit closer to completion.
So, how much time are you willing to spend away from your work to write a webpage or an in-depth blog post? There would always be the temptation to get any such writing over as quickly as possible so you can get back to your task list.
However, something so vital should not be rushed; it is an opportunity to attract new clients and to portray your business as you would want it to be seen.
What’s more, it doesn’t make good economic sense. How much is your hourly rate? Or if a staff member were to write it, what’s their hourly rate?
To offer some perspective, the hourly rate of a Grade B fee earner could be anywhere between £233 and £371 according to the current Guideline Hourly Rates. How many hours would it take such a fee earner to write an engaging, informative article for your potential clients? And will it be of the same quality as if you hired a professional copywriter?
At ARP Writing, our rates are much lower than even Grade D hourly rates. Yet by engaging us, you would receive top-quality written work, combined with insight born from a legal background and many years experience helping law firms with their materials. And at the same time, you, or your fee earner, would remain free to make the most of those valuable billable hours.
In our clients' words...